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When I was pregnant with our first baby, a friend asked what I was most excited about. I didn’t hesitate to say that I was most excited about teaching this little person that she can live her life on purpose. That her life is about figuring out what she is passionate about. That she is not only allowed but encouraged to find and follow her dream.
I have been devouring personal development books since I was in college. I first found Wayne Dyer, then Deepak Chopra, then Louise Hay, and soon discovered that there was a whole world of people who thought differently than what I had known. I gravitated towards this subculture of positive thinking and the somewhat foreign concept that your thoughts can change your life.
When I first started seeing Wayne Dyer’s books in the children’s section at Barnes and Noble, I thought it was so cool that he was making his teachings available to kids. I also thought that it would be great for parents who might not have been exposed to his message to read these books to their kids.
When I was first pregnant, I started searching for ideas for inspiring books for kids with a positive message. I didn’t realize there were so many other great books for kids that talk about self-esteem, self-love, and the power of positive thinking.
Here are the 7 inspiring books for kids with a positive message we have been reading over and over for the past few years:
1. Incredible You! 10 Ways to Let Your Greatness Shine Through
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer with Kristina Tracy
Incredible You is based on Wayne Dyer’s inspirational book for adults, 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace. In the introduction her states: “It is my desire to have these tiny, precious souls…close this book and feel so good about themselves that they feel in their hearts that nothing is impossible for them.” This book emphasizes love, positive thoughts, and self-care in fun ways for kids.
2. Unstoppable Me! 10 Ways to Soar Through Life
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer with Kristina Tracy
Unstoppable Me is based on Wayne Dyer’s book What Do You Really Want for Your Children. This book is more advanced than the previous one on the list. There is more of an emphasis on the power within to make things happen for ourselves.
3. I Think, I Am! Teaching Kids the Power of Affirmations
by Louise Hay with Kristina Tracy
I love this one! If you know anything about Louise Hay, you know that her main message was that our thoughts are creating our lives. The book starts out by defining what an affirmation is in simple terms that a child can understand (“words that you think or say, and believe to be true”). She then defines negative thoughts, and teaches how to turn your negative thoughts into positive affirmations. It’s beautiful! The rest of the book goes through examples of situations that kids might find themselves in and how they can turn negative thoughts they might have into positive affirmations. This one might be my favorite!
4. The Adventures of Lulu
by Louise Hay with Dan Olmos
I had to get this one because it’s by Louise Hay. This particular book is a compilation of 3 stories:
- Lulu and the Ant: A Message of Love
- Lulu and Willy the Duck: Learning Mirror Work
- Lulu and the Dark: Conquering Fears
Lulu is Louise Hay’s personification of who she wished she was as a child. These stories are designed to help children learn about empowerment, self-love, and self-worth. They are written by the master of these topics so they definitely do the job. This book should be in every kid’s classroom!
5. On My Way to a Happy Life
by Deepak Chopra with Kristina Tracy
My favorite Deepak Chopra book for adults is 6. The Wonderful Things You Will Be
We received this book as a gift after our first baby girl was born. I’m so glad we did! This is another favorite. It has the cutest drawings and a very simple message. It goes through different scenarios of a baby growing up and trying different career paths such as music, writing, medicine, design, and concludes with “And I’ll love you, whoever you’ve grown up to be.” Such a simple yet powerful message for us all! There’s also an infant version that I got for our second baby girl. We all love this one too! It has a mirror, different textures, a squeaker, and a teething ring. And apparently it’s a thing to do first birthday parties themed after this book. I’m thinking we have a first birthday party theme picked out! Love is Everywhere was another gift we were fortunate to receive. I had never heard of “heart-spotting” before reading this book. This story teaches about the art of seeking and finding hearts in our environment. These hearts-shapes are reminders of the love that surrounds us. It’s such a beautiful message! The first time I read it to our baby girls, I realized that they happened to have hearts all over their clothes! It made me cry. If you and your kids haven’t heart-spotted before, this book will inspire you to give it a try! There are so many more inspiring books for kids out there. This is just the beginning! I plan to get our girls a new inspiring book for their birthdays and Christmas each year. I already have this one for our next birthday ready to go! Even if the books seem like they are meant for older kids, I still enjoy reading them and look forward to them enjoying these positive messages as they grow up. If you try out any of these books or other inspiring books for kids, I would love to hear what you think!by Emily Winfield Martin
7. Love is Everywhere: A Heart-Spotting Adventure Tale
by Jorie Cooper Cwik
Thanks for listing them down, I was looking for them
I haven’t read these yet but now I have a few new ones to add to our shelves!
I love this. I love reading books that tell my son he is precious and worth so much. Thank you for the suggestions.
I have one of the books on this list, but had no idea many of the rest of them existed. THANK YOU so much for this post! I know what will be in my little one’s Easter basket now!
Aw now you gave me an Easter basket idea:)
Great recommendations! I will definitely check these out!
Books are HUGE in our house!! I will have to check these out and add some to our collection!!
Awesome! Hope you enjoy 🙂
I absolutely love this round up!
I have a 5 month old, but I have too look for some of these! We love reading even now, and I can’t wait until he starts understanding the messages behind great books like these.
yes! I started reading them when our first was teeny tiny. I think it’s nice for us as parents to hear the messages too <3
I love the book, the wonderful things you will be! I’ll have to check out the others!
These are such great suggestions! I really love All the Wonderful Things You Will Be!
aw – yes!
I haven’t read any of these! Will be looking for them at the library.